Traditional art is a form of art created by community area, It contains traditionsand customs that heldsociety that housed the region. all know, Indonesia has a lot of local cultureand the arts.
But in this day and age, anyone who does not like westernculture / westernculture?
All compete for up to date with the western lifestyle. Even the cultural affairs in the countrywe have fartoo often buried. The worst of the culture considers itselfbelongs only to the older generationor the generation of the ancient.
Apparently not all do. Well, here I findthe traditional art of the young fighters, rather jaranan. Jaranan or horsebraid is a traditional art which is ownedby a number of areas, especially in Java island. associatedwith the mystical arts that is still a favorite in some areas in East Java as thespectacle of residents in a given day celebrationtoday.
They (the youth) is so greatly appreciatethe culture, from the age of 8-9 years old and adolescence are so skilled at playing jaranan. a phenomenon that contradicts with the youthin general are morelike the modern lifestyle.
Actually, the balance in the understanding of culture is needed. the point is even though we live in an era of globalization with so many outside influences. We also have tomaintain, cherish and preserve the culture that we have. Outsidethere is aunique arts of Indonesia. Our task is to it. Do not till for the umpteenth time we recognizedthe culture of other countries.
let's go, together as a youth, was proudand felt an obligation to maintain, preserve and promote traditionalculture.
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